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Social Media by Nanja Massy

Learn all the tips and trick to be successful on Social Media from Beauty Blogger and expert Nanja Massy.

We can no longer imagine a life without social media, right? Forums such as Instagram have really become fascinating mediums to share your interests with others.

But how does it actually work? What are hashtags, and how do you use them? Insights, what? What about all those followers?

Do these sounds like familiar questions? YUST invites Beauty Blogger and expert Nanja Massy; Beauty blogger, influencer and hair & make-up expert.

She posts the most beautiful images every day and has no fewer than 30K followers! If one person knows something about Social Media, it’s Nanja.

Do you want to know more about her story, are you a blogger or entrepreneur who wants to excel online? Or do you just want to do more with social media? Then this is the workshop for you!

We’ll provide snacks and drinks, whilst Nanja gives you an insight into her social media story. All your burning questions answered in this interactive 2hr workshop.